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COMP 50th Anniversary Research Student Conference: Fostering Academic Excellence

26 Jun 2024

COMP 50th Anniversary Research Student Conference was successfully held on 24 June 2024 at the New World Millennium Hong Kong Hotel. The event, themed "Fostering Academic Excellence," brought together an impressive array of speakers, academics, and research students for a day of knowledge-sharing and recognition of outstanding scholarly work.


The conference was inaugurated with a warm welcome speech and opening speech from Prof. LI Qing, Chair Professor of Data Science and Head of COMP and Prof. Christopher CHAO, Vice President (Research and Innovation), respectively.


The first highlight of the conference was the keynote speech delivered by Prof. LI Baochun from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Toronto. His speech, titled "Writing Great Papers in the Era of Generative AI," provided attendees with invaluable insights into the evolving trend of academic publishing and how to conduct impactful research with the aid of generative AI.


The event also featured a thought-provoking panel discussion on "How to do good research and have a successful career in Research?" Esteemed panel members included Prof. DONG Guozhu (Wright State University), Prof. Sean WANG (Fudan University) and Prof. SU Jianwen (University of California, Santa Barbara). Their collective wisdom offered a deep exploration of the challenges and strategies for building a successful academic career and how researchers can deal with psychological changes and manage their emotions during challenges at different career stages.


In line with the conference's objectives to honour research students' hard work and facilitate the exchange of knowledge, there were eight oral presentation sessions featuring 48 students and 54 poster presentations, allowing COMP research students to showcase their research, engage in scholarly dialogue, and gain feedback from their peers and guests. Eight students have been selected for the Best Presentation Award by the panels, while 11 students have been voted by all the participants for the Best Poster Award. Below are the awardee lists.


Best Presentation Award (Cash prize of $5,000 for each awardee)


Paper Title

MA Chenxiang

Scaling Supervised Local Learning with Augmented Auxiliary Networks

HONG Zicong

Optimus: Warming Serverless ML Inference via Inter-Function Model Transformation

MEI Zhimin

Repurposing Optical Mice for Acoustic Eavesdropping

LI Yiran

Efficient and Effective Attributed Networks Clustering via K-Nearest Neighbor Augmentation

YU Shiming

Revolutionizing LoRa Gateway with XGate: Scalable Concurrent Transmission across Massive Logical Channels

ZHANG Qinggang

KnowGPT: Black-Box Knowledge Injection for Large Language Models

ZHENG Tianyu

Leaking Arbitrarily Many Secrets: Any-out-of-Many Proofs and Applications to RingCT Protocols


Segment Anything in 3D Gaussians


Best Poster Award (Cash prize $2,000 for each awardee)


Poster Title

LI Ruibin

Source Prompt Disentangled Inversion for Boosting Image Editability withDiffusion Models

CAI Xuyuan

Privacy-preserving even-oriented sybil-resistance decentralized identity scheme


SnarkFold: Efficient Proof Aggregation from Incremental Verification and Applications

WANG Fangxiao

Fair Surveillance Assignment Problem

DING Yunan

Medical-SAM: SAM Adaptation for 3D Medical Image Segmentation


Enhancing Sigma Protocols Efficiency and Privacy with Sumcheck Protocol Optimization


CausalBench: A Comprehensive Benchmark for Causal Learning Capability of Large Language Models

CHEN Jingfan

Diversify-and-Aggregate: Augmenting Replay with Generative Modeling Make Stronger Incremental Segmentation Models

MA Yuxiao

Noise-based Privacy Protection Assisted Homomorphic Encryption for Federated Learning

ZHANG Jiahao

Linear-Time Graph Neural Networks for Scalable Recommendations

ZHENG Peirong

Federated Learning with Neuron-wise Learning Rates


The conference concluded with a banquet in the evening, with a welcome speech by Prof. LI Qing followed by an open remark by Prof. CAO Jiannong, Dean of Graduate School and Chair Professor of Distributed and Mobile Computing. Participants enjoyed a sumptuous dinner and celebrated the achievements of their peers.

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